Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fibonacci Haiku: A Wrestler

Constant Struggle 
A Non-Stop Dedication
Heart Is What Always Counts 
State Is The Goal League Is The Battle 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

SP # 5 Unit J Concept 6 Partial Decomposition with Repeated factors

With this type of problem one must be careful with the order in which one places their numbers. One must also be aware of the little signs, negative and positives when multiplying the denominator in order to have a common denominator.

SP # 4 Unit J Concept 5 Partial Decomposition with distinct factors

This type of problem is a bit tricky but just remember to keep your numbers in order. You start off with decomposition of the problem. After you have done this you move on go the combining of like terms and finally finding the rref on the calculator.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

SV # 4 Unit I Concept 2 Graphing Logarithmic functions and identifying x-int, y-int, asymptote, domain, and range.

In this type of problem one has to be careful when it comes to the asymptote part. The asympotote for this type of problem will be horizontal. Remember the chant while you are solving. When solving for the x-int remember to exponentiate and then solve like a regular expression. For the y-int use the change of base formula  to solve.

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WPP #6 Concept 3-5 Compounded Interest and Compounded Continuously

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SP # 3 Unit I Concept 1 Graphing Exponential Functions and Identifying x-int, y-int, asymptotes, domain and range

This type of problem is an exponential graph. In this type of problem one has to walk through various steps before one can ultimately graph the equation. First one must find the numbers that match up to the variables A, B, etc. Then one must remember the chant Y-int equals and X-int equals. Remember to set the y is equal to zero and the x as well.

After this is done one needs to plug in the equation into the graphing calculator and examine the curve of the graph. In the case of this specific problem since the a is negative the graph will curve downwards. Trace different points to graph and then finally graph your exponential equation.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

SV # 3 Unit H Concept 7 Finding logs given approximation

In these type of problems one has to be careful as to which clues they can and can not use. One also has to pay attention to the fact that the exponent is brought down in front if one is presented. Another thing one has to remember is that if there is a log base of something and they are the same it will automatically equal one. That,s it for this video, have fun solving and enjoy watching!

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Monday, October 7, 2013

SV #2 Unit G concept 1 through 7 Finding all parts and graphing a rational function

In this problem I will walk you through the various steps that are involved with concepts one through five. In this problem I will solve a slant asymptote for you in this video, I will also go over what the holes will be and how you get them.

This type of problem will take some type to solve so pay attention to the little details that are in the problems, and review your songs prior to viewing the video, you will most definitely need them, in order to solve.

Please click here to view my video 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

SV # 1 : Unit F Concept 10 Finding all real and imaginary zeroes of a polynomial

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In this video I will walk you through a problem from Concept ten. This problem is a cumulative work problem that involves everything from concept six on. Be very careful to pay attention to sign changes and synthetic division.

Once you have found your zero heroes go onto find your zeroes and your factors, and then your done. Have fun doing your math!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

SP # 2 Unit E Concept 7: Graphing a polynomial and identifying all key parts

In this problem you will see a Polynomial end behavior graph and multiplicities. This concept brings together everything from concept six forward. Pay special attention to your degree and coefficient. Another thing to look out for is making sure that your multiplicities are correct.

 You will be given an equation, make sure pay attention to the degree, this will state how many zeroes you will have to have at the end, and make sure that when writing your end behavior it corresponds to correct type of grpah that you have drawn out; even positive, even negative, etc.

Monday, September 9, 2013

SP #1: Unit E Concept 1 -Graphing Quadratics and identifying all keys parts

This problem is about identifying x-intercepts, y-intercepts, vertex, axis of quadratics and finally graphing them; in simple terms quadratics in simple form. This type problem is a build up of previous equations we have solved, most notably completing the square.

When solving this type of problem one should pay extra special attention to all of the steps that follow the Parent Graph Equation, Vertex, Y-Intercept, etc. Make sure everything is correct in these areas, one little mistake can throw off your parabola. Another thing that one should take note of is the Axis, the axis is a dotted line going down the graph not A POINT!!!!

WPP #2 Unit A Concept 7 Profit, Revenue, Cost

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